Today, I decided to make them English Muffins.
Now you must know I am a born tweaker and unless I'm completely unfamiliar with what I'm getting myself into, chances are, some steps will be cut off.
This time, I set myself on making some English Muffins and these are, I assure you, the easiest EVER. You don't need any experience or expensive equipment, beside your precious bare hands. Your kids can also help cutting up the shapes too!
These will be ready for tomorrow morning.
Easy English Muffins (makes about 16-18)
6 cups of flour
1 teaspoon of active yeast
2 tablespoons of sugar
1 teaspoon of salt
1 cup of warm water
1 cup of warm milk
1/4 cup of canola oil
Mix the dry ingredients in a large tupperware. (the dough will rise in it)
Mix the wet ingredients and add it to the flour mix.
Now start mixing with your hand or a wooden spoon until you don't see anymore dry bits of flour. If the dough seems too dry, add a little water to adjust.
You should now have what looks like a ragged semi-soft ball of dough.
Cover your tupperware and leave it to rest for 2 hours in a warm spot.
After this time, your dough will nearly have trippled.
Put the tupperware in the fridge and forget about it until tomorrow morning (the texture and flavor will develop over night!).

Take as much dough as you intend to make and work it on a a well floured countertop. Do it VERY gently, just to form a ball and with a rolling pin, roll out until it's 3/8″ thick, more if you like thicker muffins. Dust some more flour when needed.
With a cookie cutter or anything the size of a tuna can, cut out the circles and place them on a large tray, lined with waxed paper and dusted with a good handful of corn flour.
Don't over crowd your tray! Use two if necessary, otherwise they will stick together when raising.
You can also let your toddler cut up the shapes.
Dust some more corn flour on top of the muffins, cover them with a dish cloth and leave them to raise for 30 minutes, preferably in a warm place.

Now, heat up your griddle to medium/low heat and rub it with a little bit of oil on the bottom.
Cook the muffins for about 10 minutes on each side. And keep them warm in the oven until you are done.
ps: if you don't have time or need for making that many muffins, use only part of the dough and keep the rest in the fridge. This dough can keep for up to 4 days without any problem! You can make fresh muffins everyday in just minutes if you like.
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